Research Statement

As a scholar, I am interested in advancing our understanding of the possibilities, challenges, and even dangers of human transformation. It’s important to me that my research and scholarship makes a meaningful contribution in addressing pressing challenges in our shared world. As one branch of this work, I focus on the learning and change necessary for a pluralistic, democratic society to function well, especially in the continuous pursuit of equity. I am also interested in researching and making concrete applications to real problems. Currently and in the foreseeable future, I am focusing on the learning and change of people in transition, primarily migrants (and their host societies) and college students from historically underserved backgrounds (and the institutions that serve them). My scholarship is organized by theme below. I am not allowed to post these publications publicly, but I am happy to send any of them to interested readers.

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Transformative Education


Transformative learning in theory and practice.
Hoggan, C. & Kloubert, T. (2020). Adult Education Quarterly, 70(3), 295-307.

Foxes and hedgehogs: The value of transformation (and any other) theory. Hoggan, C. (2019). Journal of Transformative Education, 17(4), 295-298.

Developing the theory of perspective transformation: Continuity, intersubjectivity, and emancipatory praxis.
Hoggan, C., Mälkki, K., & Finnegan, F. (2017). Adult Education Quarterly, 67(1), 48-64.

Transformative learning as a metatheory: Definition, criteria, and typology. Hoggan, C. (2016). Adult Education Quarterly, 66(1), 57-75.

Lessons from breast cancer survivors: The interplay between context, epistemology and change. Hoggan, C. (2014). Adult Education Quarterly, 64(3), 191-205.

The current state of transformative learning: A metatheory.
Hoggan, C. (2018). Phronesis Revue, 7(3), 18-25.

A typology of transformation: Reviewing the transformative learning literature. Hoggan, C. (2016). Studies in the Education of Adults, 48(1), 65-82.

Transformative Learning.
Hoggan, C. (2020). in Oxford Bibliographies in Education. Ed. Anne Hynds. Oxford University Press.

Mapping the Terrain: Analytic Tools for Future Thinking about Transformation. Hoggan, C. (in press). In A. Nicolaides, S. Eschenbacher, P. Buergelt, Y. Gilpin-Jackson, M. Welch, & M. Misawa (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Learning for Transformation. Palgrave McMillan.

Transformative Learning Theory. Hoggan, C. & Kasl, E. (in press). In Belzer and Güngör (Eds.)Meeting Adult Learning Needs: Learning Contexts, Adult Learners, and Instructional Approaches. Stylus Publishing.

Purposes and processes of transformative education
Hoggan, C. (2021). Journal of Transformative Education 19(3), 195-197.

Exercising clarity with transformative learning theory.
Hoggan, C. (2016). In Milana, M., Holford, J., Webb, S., Jarvis, P., & Waller, R. (Eds.), Handbook of Adult and Lifelong Education and Learning (pp. 35-52). Palgrave Macmillan.

Transformative learning throughout the lifespan.
Hoggan, C. (2021). Journal of Transformative Education 19(1), 3-6.

Striving to build a better world.
Hoggan, C. (2020). Journal of Transformative Education, 18(3), 187-189. 

Art (Creative Expression) and Transformative Learning

Promoting transformative learning through reading fiction
Hoggan, C. & Cranton, P. (2015). Journal of Transformative Education, 13(1), 6-25

The power of story: Metaphors, literature, and creative writing
Hoggan, C. (2009). In Hoggan, C., Simpson, S., & Stuckey, H. (Eds.) Creative expression in transformative learning: Tools and techniques for educators of adults (pp. 51-74). Krieger Publishing

Transformative learning through conceptual metaphors Hoggan, C. (2014). Adult Learning, 25(4), 134-141

Transformative learning, multiple ways of knowing, and creativity theory in progress
Hoggan, C., Simpson, S., & Stuckey, H. (2009). In Hoggan, C., Simpson, S., & Stuckey, H. (Eds.) Creative expression in transformative learning: Tools and techniques for educators of adults (pp. 7-28). Krieger Publishing

Using creative expression in adult learning contexts Hoggan, C., Simpson, S., & Stuckey, H. (2009). In Hoggan, C., Simpson, S., & Stuckey, H. (Eds.) Creative expression in transformative learning: Tools and techniques for educators of adults (pp. 157-177). Krieger Publishing

Creative expression in professional development Hoggan, C. & Bartlett, M. (2017). Excellence and Innovation in Learning and Teaching: Research and Practices, 2, 5-15 

Research Methods

Evaluating Transformative Learning
Cranton, P. & Hoggan, C. (2012). In Taylor, E. & Cranton, P. (Eds.) Handbook of Transformative Learning (pp. 520-535). Jossey-Bass.

Using data collection apps and single case designs to research transformative learning
Roessger, K., Greenleaf, A., & Hoggan, C. (2017). Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 23(2), 206-225.

Defining and analyzing transformative learning
Hoggan, C. (2020). Labor et Educatio 8, 109-124. 

Societal Learning & Change (Epistemic and Civic Competencies)

Post-truth as an Epistemic Crisis: The Need for Rationality, Autonomy, and Plurality
Hoggan-Kloubert, T. & Hoggan, C. (2022). Adult Education Quarterly

From Alternative Facts to Tentative Truths: Towards a Post-postmodern Dialogic Epistemology
Hoggan-Kloubert, T. & Hoggan, C. (2021). Adult Education Critical Issues, 1(1), 9-22

Learning During Major Life Transitions

Teaching and (Transformative) Learning in College

Language, Identity, & Social Equity: Educational Responses to Dialect Hegemony. McKinney, E., & Hoggan, C. (2022). International Journal of Lifelong Education 41(3), 382-394.
Implementing Self-regulated Learning to Improve Academic Self-Efficacy and Learning Persistence

Lambert, R. S., & Hoggan, C. (in review). Journal of Experimental Education

Helping underprepared students succeed: Minimizing threats to identity
Yadusky, K., Kheang, S., & Hoggan, C. (2021). Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 45(6), 423-436

The association between worldview climate dimensions and college students’ perceptions of transformational learning
Mayhew, M., Hoggan, C., Rockenbach, A., & Lo, M. (2016). The Journal of Higher Education, 87(5), 674-700

Transforming 2020’s disruptions into 2021’s reforms
Browning, B., & Hoggan, C. (2021). Community College Daily. American Association of Community Colleges.

Reflective practice and North Carolina’s redesign of reading and English efforts Dees, L., Moore, E., & Hoggan, C. (2016). NADE Digest, 9(1), 8-12

Collaborative learning in higher education to improve employability: Opportunities and challenges
Robbins, S. & Hoggan, C. (2019). In Fedeli, M., Boffo, V. & Celacarne, C. (Eds.), Fostering Employability in Adult and Higher Education: An International Perspective. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Issue 163 (pp. 95-108). Jossey-Bass

Digital stories to promote reflection and community in doctoral education Hoggan, C., & Militello, M. (2015). Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 63, 119-125


Migrants and the Labor Market: The Role and Tasks of Adult Education
Kloubert, T., & Hoggan, C. (2021). Adult Learning 32(1), 29-39

‘We All Are Migrants’: Migration and the Learning Needs of Society
Hoggan, C. & Kloubert, T. (2022). In C. Hoggan & T. Hoggan-Kloubert (Eds.), Adult Learning in a Migration Society. Routledge

Embracing Transformation: Migration and Human Dignity
Hoggan-Kloubert, T., & Hoggan, C. (2022). In C. Hoggan & T. Kloubert (Eds.), Adult Learning in a Migration Society. Routledge

Migration and Human Dignity: Rhetoric and Practice in Germany
Hoggan, C. & Kloubert, T. (2021). In Alfred, M., Robinson, P, & Roumell, E. (Eds.), Advancing the Global Agenda for Human Rights, Vulnerable Populations and Environmental Sustainability: Adult Education as Strategic Partner. Information Age Publishing  


Supporting veterans at the community college: A review of the literature
Evans, J., Pellegrino, L., & Hoggan, C. (2015). Community College Enterprise, 21(1), 47-65

A tale of two transitions: Female military veterans during their first year at community college
Pellegrino, L. & Hoggan, C. (2015). Adult Learning, 26(3), 124-131 

Violent Extremism

The state of scientific knowledge regarding factors associated with terrorism
Desmarais, S. L., Simons-Rudolph, J., Brugh, C. S., Schilling, E., & Hoggan, C. (2017). Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 4(4),180-209

The State of Science Regarding Membership in Terrorist Organizations and Perpetration of Terrorist Attacks Desmarais, S. L., Simons-Rudolph, J., Brugh, C. S., Schilling, E., & Hoggan, C. (2017). Homeland Security Affairs, 13 


Informal transformative learning from a life-threatening illness
Hoggan, C. (2015). In Mejiuni, O., Cranton, P., and Taiwo, O. (Eds.) Measuring and Analyzing Informal Learning in the Digital Age (pp. 64-79)

Mentoring in Adult Education: A Tribute to Patricia Cranton
Hoggan, C. (2020). In Alston, G., & Hansman, C. (Eds.), Mentoring, Learning, and Leadership in Adult and Continuing Education. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2020(167-168), (pp. 119-126)

Recognizing the value of threshold concepts: Application of a conceptual tool to professional students learning to be researchers
Alpi, K. & Hoggan, C. (2016). The Reference Librarian, 57(2), 114-130.